Jonathan Kingdom Minister
As a Kingdom Minister I go through alot every day, my life first of all in not my own it is for he who had entrusted me with his grace, mercy and favor Jesus Christ.
I have alot of choices and preferences; but I make sure they all fall within His will meaning everything I have and ever wanted should be coupled within his will. Choices are alot like; Which place of fellowship should I belong to, many of you today are not at the same place of fellowship were you have given your life to Jesus or where your Journey began with Christ the Anointed one, today you have moved to another place why? Was it the will of God? Did you consult him (God)?
We should never make decisions out of trouble or strife because the end of is never the will of God. Before you're offended why don't you make the choice? Why do you make decisions out of offense?
YES many will say the Choice is mine, true and fine, but who has the final say? Is it not Jesus? Okay now why do you say the choice is mine. Choice can be yours but you have to consult him who governs your will.
A young man or woman would love to marry their preferred wife or husband but that doesn't mean it is automatically the will of God for you, yes the Lord will grant you your hearts desire as the Bible clearly states; Pss 37:4 Delight thyself also in the Lord; and he shall give thee the desires of thine heart.
YES you can hope against hope as your father Abraham but that still doesn't mean God will activate your heart desires, your choice sometimes is very destructive that is why the will of God should be Final.